Posted in Menstruation Awareness Journey

Inktober Series & Period Positivity Calendar 2021

The boredom of lockdown had given way to an all-encompassing dullness and lack of purpose. It is only challenges that can keep me alive and awake. As an amateur artist, I had been trying to hop onto the Inktober series but had always been busy or not motivated enough to keep drawing every day. This time I did hit the jackpot, as I had menses, my most favourite topic in the world to keep me motivated. It was a hit with majority in my circles, and we made a calendar too – the Period Positivity Calendar 2021.

The calendar was made 2 months after Inktober ended and as I was looking at these drawings it hit me that I might never again be able to make sense of 31 random words and draw them in the context of menstruation. This documentation is just for myself to remind me of my passion and strength and motivate me always. I also hope this would be informative and motivate others too!

Our team at Green the Red had primarily brainstormed in the discussion to make it happen and specially Hamsa Iyer did most of the work, including the layout, printing and sending it across the country to reach everyone in the new year 2021..

The entire selection of Inktober drawings can be found in these links –

Day 1 – Fish – An imagined conversation between a mer-trans-man and a mer-maid!

Day 2 – Wisp – Blood-mask, supposed to nurture and beautify the skin with its amazing nutrient cocktail!

Day 3 – Bulky – All that BULK of 9000 pads per person? And it will take 800 years to decompose!!

Day 4 – Radio – Not RADIOactive, but a biohazard. Please don’t pack me in those black plastic bags

Day 5 – Blade – 🔴 uniting in the blood we shed every month (or not so regularly) for all of our tribe across generations

Day 6 – Rodent – Spiny mouse, the only mammal that has a menstrual cycle similar to humans from among the mammals approved for clinical trials. They help scientists understand our body and make medicines that help the menstruators.

Day 7 – Fancy – Sea sponge tampons – the fanciest menstrual product around!!

Day 8 – Teeth – Did you know that your PERIODS symptoms are connected with your TEETH? Choose your days for dental procedures immediately after periods for minimum pain!

Day 9 – Throw – Throw, Jump, Run! Menarche is not a reason to stop females from being active! Run Simran Run… Jee le apni zindagi!

Day 10 – Hope – Hope is a strong word, one that aims for equity, of production, usage and post-use impact. We can see that majority of the #FeminineHygieneIndustry is ruled by top 10 companies across just 5 countries. Promote local and sustainable period products. (USA – Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble, Kimberly Clark, Edgewell, Cora; UK – Natracare-Bodywise; UK & Spain – Masmi; Poland – Bella; Japan – Kao, Unicharm-Sofy)

Day 11 – Disgusting – Periods vs Pregnancy – the thin line between DISGUSTING and DIVINE

Day 12 – Slippery – Even Superheroes may take some time adjusting! Try for 2-3 cycles to be a pro, and no looking back after that!

Day 13 – Dunes – Where sand is abundant, why not wrap it in clean cloth to use as a period pad. Once soaked, sand can be dug in soil. Ecofriendly! Exploring traditions!

Day 14 – Armour – Menstruating people have an immune response that’s influenced by the hormone ESTROGEN! The immunity advantage is seen in the pre-ovulation phase, and immunity is reduced post-ovulation. Periods again ensures the return of the phase of increased immunity. ESTROGEN – ARMOUR OF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM

Day 15 – Outpost – Pubic Hair – the army Outpost, ensuring that things go safe and smooth in the vagina!

Day 16 – Rocket – The Human Rocket – at an ejaculation velocity of 45km/hr, we have similar thrust-mass ratio like that of a rocker, and a self-cooling system too!

Day 17 – Storm – Informed choice – a decision, that comes as a result of knowing the STORM of available options, their pros and cons, and being able to judge how to implement it and what impacts such a choice will have on us individually and collectively (based on the current available data/research)

Day 18 – Trap – Free bleeding – my choice… This is a personal story. I reached a point where I felt that I was trapped by products asking me to ‘manage’ my periods. I looked back to when there were no clothes, tried to understand what was the bare minimum, and realised that I could bleed on freely, on my body, dress etc… And be free from the trappings of any products where access, affordability, quality etc become my burden.

Day 19 – Dizzy – We have all heard about that feeling of being Dizzy and Tired during periods – Follow the magic potion of DEWS – Diet (Protein, Iron and carb), E – Exercise, W – Water (1L for every 15kg body weight) and S – Sleep for an active period

Day 20 – Coral – Intimina a Swedish health care company and Pantine Colour Institute researched the color of healthy periods and called it the ‘Period’, earlier this year. Bleed Red? What all colours come out of our vagina? The most prominent is the red blood.

Day 21 – Sleep – Lying straight to avoid staining the bed, curling up to handle the cramps, lying on the back to manage back pain. Sleeping during periods is a task for the menstruator, but if stains don’t frighten you, then that’s half the battle solved!

Day 22 – Chef – Look into nature, the greatest chef to uncover all #kitchenremedies that are easy to access and safe too! How many #kitchenremedies do you know for your period woes?

Day 23 – RIP – Are you going to Rest In Peace once the periods stop and you enter menopause? Life changes majorly for people in perimeopause to menopause and their families too need to know it and support each other. Menses is not evil, it gives a female body many GIFTS that are lost with MENOPAUSE. Look around and ask if you need to support the menopausal people.

Day 24 – Dig – What would our great-grand child, 10 generations later, find if they dig around our property? Apart from pieces of sanitary pads and other plastics, do you think they would get the wealth that they would have read in all those treasure hunt stories?

Day 25 – Hide – Because we could not say out loud “PERIODS” or did not even know the term “MENSTRUATION”, we all have used euphemisms and imagination to communicate about periods! No more to Hiding, let’s speak out loud and keep the conversation on!!

Day 26 – Music – If diet, exercise, sleep, meds all look like a lot to you, we have a good alternative info for you. Listening to relaxing and happy music also ensure a major decrease in pain and cramps. Put on the music and let your uterus do the ‘Bhangra’–GHTJzy8/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Day 27 – Float – Menstrual cramps and pain are terrible, more than severe migraine. Since olden times many tips and tricks have been tried, cannabis (weed/marijuana) being one very effective option across places. Floating with fantasies may be an added kick, but definitely pain will be addressed! Different places have different laws and rules, and definitely sufficient testing has been done to prove its efficiency!

Day 28 – Shoes – Shoes, like period experiences are personal and fit the owner! We may not get what another person feels or how they act. Their unique experience has a strong role in this. Trust them, and let us not assume period experiences of another person, not matter for how long we have been menstruating or how varied our knowledge is. This is the simplest way to care and respect.

Day 29 – Buddy – Periods feel better when we have someone to share our feelings with – a Period Buddy! Period syncing, though reported by many, is still seen as a myth or coincidence! Whatever the truth is, it is important to be caring and sharing and male Period Buddies is a real thing!!

Day 30 – Ominous – Periods makes us bleed without any visible wound, repeats every month but we don’t see any calendar, how does it make a baby grow?…. These mysteries used to make us wonder if periods are ominous and fear it. With the current information, we all can understand what happens during periods, and so surely start understanding and loving our bodies and ignore the myths

Day 31 – Crawl – Gone are the days when patriarchy didn’t leave even the poor sperms, forcing them to be fast swimmers and save the lonely egg. Sperms have a long journey inside the female reproductive tract, crawling through its difficult contours and many stop or die on the way. Only the most adaptable one gets to reach the egg and fertilize it. It is not a show of power, but rather a mix of multiple adaptable skills to ensure that only a healthy baby gets made.

From these amzing collection of artwork 12 were selected for featuring in the Period Positive Calendar. Stonesoup was the major sponsor, along with others including Gio Care pads, Boondh, RebootU, PeriodHub, Bleed Red Go Green, Soch Green, Nariyari, Golisoda. Sharing a glimpse of the calendar made.

Posted in Little Deeds of Sustainability, Menstruation Awareness Journey, Movie, Movies, Personal

Full Movie Reviews – Menstrual Movie Mela, May 2020

All the movie reviews have been successfully done for us by Chaitanya, a budding feminist and gender trainer from Kerala. She is currently pursuing Master’s degree in Gender Studies, from Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Chennai. The original reviews in Malayalam can be read on her blog The translated versions are here in this blog.


To read them in the order of the movies that were screened, do follow this list

  1. DAY 1 MOVIE – CHAYILYAM by Manoj Kana

Review in English –

Review in Malayalam –

2. DAY 2 MOVIE – MY FIRST PERIOD by Kanna and HER FIRST TIME by Divya Unny

Review in English –

Review in Malayalam –

3. DAY 3 MOVIE -THE MOON INSIDE YOU by Diana Fabianova

Review in English –

Review in Malayalam –


Review in English –

Review in Malayalam –


Review in English –

Review in Malayalam –

Posted in Little Deeds of Sustainability, Menstruation Awareness Journey, Personal

Reusable Menstrual Cups – Living Sustainably – Day 6


Day 6 – Menstrual Cup മെ൯സ്ട്രുവൽ കപ്പ് അഥവാ പിരീഡ് കപ്പ്

8 years of happy use!

This small device in the shape of cup, made from medical grade silicone, is safe, convenient and affordable; only thing lacking is the awareness and access.

I had lost my cup in between in an unhappy accident via a train toilet commode. But now that’s a story to share. It was a meluna cup, an expensive one got by a friend for me as she knew me as the only person who was super enthusiastic in talking all about menstruation. A struggle to insert, because of less knowledge, and definitely something I would not share because people initially shamed me questioning if I were sexually active to be using an insertion device. As a society, we have been a long way from there now!!

മെഡിക്കൽ ഗ്രേഡ് സിലിക്കണിൽ നിന്ന് നിർമ്മിച്ച കപ്പിന്റെ ആകൃതിയിലുള്ള ഈ ചെറിയ ഉപകരണം സുരക്ഷിതവും സൗകര്യപ്രദവും വില സഹിക്കാവുന്നതുമാണ്; അവബോധവും ലഭ്യതയും പക്ഷെ കുറവാണ്.

8 വർഷങ്ങളുടെ സന്തോഷ ഉപയോഗം! ആദ്യ കപ്പ് ഒരു ട്രേ൯ ടോയ്ലററിൽ വീണ് കുറച്ചു കാലത്തേക്ക് ഒരു കപ്പു൦ ഇല്ലായിരുന്നു. അന്നു കാലത്ത് ആ൪തതവ൦ എന്ന വിഷയത്തിൽ ഇത്തരം താല്‍പര്യത്തോടെ സംസാരിക്കുന്ന അവൾക്ക് അറിയാവുന്ന ഏക വ്യക്തി എന്ന കാരണം, നല്ല വില കൂടിയ ‘മെലൂണ’ കപ്പ് എനിക്കു ഉപഹാരമായി തന്നിരുന്നു. ഇന്നത്തെ പോലെ അതിന്നുള്ള അറിവു അന്നു ഇല്ലാത്തതു കൊണ്ട് ആദ്യം ശെരിക്കും കഷ്ടപ്പെടു. മാത്രമല്ല അന്നു കാലത്തു അതിനെ പറ്റി തുറന്നു പറയാനു൦ പേടി ആയിരുന്നു; യോനിയിൽ വച്ച് ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന കപ്പ് ഉപയോഗിക്കണമെ൯ഗിൽ എന്റെ ലൈംഗിക ജീവിതവും അറിവും എല്ലാം ചോദ്യം ചെയ്യുന്ന ഒരു കാലം ആയിരുന്നു അന്ന്. ഇപ്പോൾ കുഗ്രാമങളിലു൦ കപ്പ് അറിയുന്നവരു൦ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നവരു൦ ഉണ്ട്.